We are passionate advocates for caregivers and understand the unique challenges you face. We’re here to support you and happy to share the resources we’ve found helpful.
Book Recomendations
Loving Someone Who Has Dementia
Pauline Boss, PhD
Essential Strategies for the Dementia Caregiver
Tami Anastasia, MA
When Your Aging Parent Needs Help
Leslie Kernisan, MD, MPA and Paula Spencer Scott
The Healing Power of Storytelling
Annie Brewster, MD
You Are Here: Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment
Thich Nhat Hanh
Pema Chödrön
Pema Chödrön
Writing the Sacred Journey: The Art and Practice of Spiritual Memoir
Elizabeth J. Andrew
Video Recomendations
Gently Guided YouTube Channel
Visit our YouTube Channel for recommendations, information, and support from experts we trust. After seven years of not knowing what was happening, the diagnosis gave Lisa and Gary the courage to face the disease together. Fueled by frustration, wanting to make a difference, and needing to become the financial provider, Lisa transitioned out of her coaching practice and began her career as an Alzheimer’s and dementia placement specialist in 2012. Supporting family caregivers confronted with this difficult journey has given her a renewed sense of purpose.
Alzheimer’s Los Angeles
Below is a series of ten helpful topics for caregiving provided by Alzheimer’s Los Angeles.